Insulated Homes Ltd. Terms & Conditions. Large Print Version Available On Request.
These terms and conditions explain your rights and responsibilities and also ours. Throughout, the word “you” means the customer and “we” means Insulated Homes Ltd. EWI means External Wall Insulation.
1. Installation. We will deliver the goods referred to overleaf or on a separate contract and carry out the work as specified on this and any related continuation sheets. Insulated Homes Ltd policy is one of continuous improvement of products. We therefore reserve the right to incorporate modifications of a minor or technical nature in the products to be installed. If you wish to change your contract please contact the office. Any changes made to this contract are not accepted or legally binding until signed and received in writing by both parties.
2. Payment. Prices shown on the contract are inclusive or VAT at 5% for insulation and 20% for other items. The amount excluding VAT and the VAT charge are also detailed. You agree to payment terms shown on the attached contract. You agree to pay the balance of the purchase price as stated on the contract by way of staged payments or instalment credit agreement via:
a) Bank draft, personal or building society cheque payable to Insulated Homes Ltd. or b) BACS Transfer to Account: 61436643 Sort Code: 40-20-29 or c) Credit / Debit Card or d) Credit Agreement. Any signed Credit Agreement contract will replace the terms detailed overleaf. Insulated Homes Ltd. are authorised and accredited by the FCA, FRN 796522.
3. Access. You agree to provide reasonable access for our survey, installation and quality inspections.
4. Delivery time. Any installation target date quoted is that anticipated at the date of this agreement. This is an estimate and not a term of the agreement. Where any consents or permissions are required as in clause 10 below, the installation target date quoted shall be deemed to commence following receipt of written confirmation that the necessary consents or permissions have been granted. If any part of your order has not been installed by our target date you may serve written notice on us by recorded delivery post to Insulated Homes Ltd, Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, EX6 6HD, requiring the work to be completed within 6 weeks. Notwithstanding the foregoing we will not be liable for any delay in installation due to factors beyond our control including delays occurring due to applications/granting of local authority/site approvals, weather conditions/supplier delays or any action beyond our control. If you do not accept an installation date and refuse subsequent dates for a period of 14 days we reserve the right to invoice you 60% of any outstanding balance which is due immediately. Your work must be completed within 26 weeks from your offered installation date at which time full payment is required.
5. Guarantees. The guarantee period commences on the date installation is complete and written notice of any claim under the guarantees must be received by us in writing during the guarantee period. This guarantee is personal to you and shall not be assigned without Insulated Homes Limited prior written consent. If consent has been given by Insulated Homes Limited, the installation address detailed in this agreement will be transferable to the new owners on payment of the reasonable administration fee applicable at the time of transfer and on transfer the guarantee will be limited to any remaining guarantee term.
5.1. External Wall Guarantees. The guarantees are given in addition to all your rights under the common law and statue. Scope of the Guarantee, We, the contractor, guarantee that if within a twenty-five-year period after the completion date, the works guaranteed are reported to be and proved to be defective due to faulty workmanship we will free of charge rectify the defective works or defective part of the works and cover the cost of remedial and replacement works plus materials. The guarantee covers the insulation system and not discolouration /staining or visual impairments of the silicone render top coat. The Top Coat is exempt from this extended guarantee. That we will obtain and pass to the guarantee beneficiary a ten-year system guarantee from the system designer supplying the system incorporated in the works guaranteed (EWI ONLY). That we will provide a ten-year insurance policy against our failure or the failure of the system designer to honour the guarantees provided respectively for the works guaranteed as a result of having ceased to trade through financial failure (EWI ONLY)
Delamination - Any faults caused from delamination of the insulation system from the substrate (wall), will be assessed. Where a fault is found, the area affected will be removed and made good at the cost of Insulated Homes Ltd. provided the guarantees are effective and provided payment has been made or, in the case of finance agreements provided regular payments are maintained.
The client is responsible for yearly checks to any seals around windows, doors or elsewhere and must keep them maintained.
5.2 Other Guarantees. Guarantees for Windows and Doors are 2 years for products and workmanship. The supplier/manufacturer is responsible for the replacement of defective or faulty items in line with their policy. Guarantee for an entire new MetroTile Roofing system are 40 years for tiles and 2 years for labour. The supplier/manufacturer is responsible for the replacement of defective or faulty items in line with their policy. Guarantee for other PVC Products such as guttering, downpipes, soffits, fascia are for 12 months including product and labour. Our General Building work comes with a two-year guarantee for labour. Underfloor Insulation comes with a manufacturers guarantee and a 12 month labour warranty.
5.3 Modifications Your guarantee for any product will become invalid if you have amended, altered, or conducted any work on any product we have installed. This included adding layers of coating, cleaners or paint to our system or if you have deviated from our care instructions provided. This also includes allowing any third-party to conduct maintenance to our system and products without prior approval.
6. Trims. If your work requires removal of protruding trims (during EWI or other general building works) , existing trims will be cleared from the site where possible unless you have asked to keep them. We do not guarantee to be able to remove all items but where requested will do our utmost to comply.
7. Ventilation. We will gladly open up all blocked external vents on your home. The construction of your home requires this.
8. Additional work. Unless otherwise stated on the face of this agreement you will be responsible for the removal and reinstatement of aerials, burglar or telephone alarms or any other electrical fittings and obstructions on the building where work is to be carried out. This also includes any gas pipework / flues etc. identified at survey which are your responsibility to have extended by an authorised person. Any additional works required that were not visible at survey may be subject to an additional charge.
9. Planning consents. Insulated Homes Ltd staff are happy to complete any necessary application forms in regard to seeking approval from site owners in order to gain consent for the EWI to be installed to your home. It is your responsibility to check with your site/local authority and obtain any necessary approvals. If at your request, we agree to carry out part of this agreement before such consents have been obtained we shall do so entirely at your risk and responsibility in so far as concerns such as consents and approvals and you will be responsible for and we will be able to claim from you any cost or losses we reasonably incur as a result of doing so. You will be and remain responsible for the payment of all fees and charges incurred relating to the obtaining of any such permissions or consents, whether or not successfully obtained and will be unable to claim any possible funding opportunities.
10. Status check. We reserve the right to make credit and other similar enquires in respect of our customers before installation takes place. If these enquiries lead us to believe that there is a significant risk of payment not being made, then we reserve the right to ask you to make payment of the full amount of the contract price before manufacturing and installation begins. Should we request you to make such payment then we will on request supply you with a copy of the information on which we have relied. If you decline to make payment, then we may cancel the contract. Your deposit will be returned in full, but we will have no further liability.
11. Data Protection. It is a statutory requirement from the department of transport local government and the regions (DTLR) that a PAS2030 registered installer must offer every customer insurance against the cessation of the installer and their subsequent inability to honour their guarantee. For this reason, your name and address will be passed to our authorised insurance provider to enable them to write to you and offer the statutory insurance cover. Your address will also be registered with our auditor as a home that we have conducted approved works on. Details of these agencies are available on request. Your name, address and contact details are held on file along with all communications and photographs of your home. These will be kept for 25 years in line with your guarantee. You may request a copy of your file. We are registered with the ICO.
12. General. you should ensure that any representative or promise made before or at the time you sign this agreement that is not included on this document or any related continuation sheets is added in writing on the face of the agreement and signed by you and our representative. Insulated Homes Ltd seek to constantly develop and improve our products and service for our customers so we reserve the right to amend a product specification from time to time. Your survey and contract will be quality checked by our surveyors and inspectors prior to work commencement. Insulated Homes Ltd. reserves the right to add any additional charges to a revised quote and contract should it be deemed necessary. The Client may withdraw within 14 days should they choose not to accept any additional charges. The client is responsible for removing and protection of any items in the work area (3m from home on all sides) and the clearance of under the home for underfloor insulation.
13. Notice of cancellation rights. You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days of signing. This right can be exercised by sending or taking a written notice to the contracts department. Insulated Homes Ltd, Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD. If the work proceeds within that 14-day period you will be asked to sign a right to waiver, this just means you acknowledge you could have cancelled but chose to go ahead with the work. It does not affect any of your other rights. It is your responsibility to ensure that the request has been received within the 14-day time limit. Cancellations made outside this period and 14 days prior to work commencing are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. If the work has started or is due to start within 14 days you may give up this right and sign a waiver form, once signed you cannot cancel. If any third-party funding scheme is withdrawn or application unsuccessful after you have signed your contract, Insulated Homes Ltd reserve the right to cancel the contract. Insulated Homes Ltd. reserve the right to withdraw or terminate the contract prior to commencement without reason or penalty. This right of Cancellation under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply to custom made goods such as windows, doors or other items that have been specifically made-to-measure for your home. Please complete the cancellation form to request to cancel.
14. Third Party Funding and loans. It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funding in place and correct approvals before work commences. You are responsible for ensuring the entire sum on the contract can be paid in full. We cannot offer advice on funding or recommend payment methods.
15. Photography. During the survey, installation and completion of works on your home, we take a series of photographs for quality purposes. These photographs may be used in our marketing materials, but the home will not be identified, and any name or house number removed. If you do not want these images displayed on our marketing materials or website, please let your surveyor or the office know.
16. Legibility. If you do not understand any aspect of this contract then please ask your representative or contact the office.
17. Exclusions. Any area of your home that you look directly up to, such as a porch ceiling cannot be rendered and is not included in our EWI quote. Any area outside your EWI is not included in your work schedule unless specifically stated.
18. Damage. We will take reasonable care of your property during installation and we ask you to read the FAQ sheets prior to your install. We will repair but not redecorate your property should we cause any damage with the exception of gutters, downpipes and trims. We draw your attention that outdoor plastic items become brittle after a few years and can shatter or break when removed. During External Wall Insulation, these can occasionally shatter or split and this is beyond our control and you will be responsible for the cost of replacements. We are unable to take responsibility for any garden plants, grass, bushes and tree branches.
19. Imperfections. We cannot guarantee against any minor imperfections in the materials used. External Wall Insulation and Roofing tiles may have visual properties that does not impair its performance. Glass is a natural product and can have visual properties that do not reduce or impair its performance.
20. Third Party Funding and loans. It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funding in place and the correct approvals before work commences. You are responsible for ensuring the entire sum on the contract can be paid for in full.
21. Interest Free Credit. Insulated Homes Ltd. Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD Company Reg 07280926 are registered with the Financial Conduct Agency (reference FRN 796522). Full details available on request.
22. Complaints. In the first instance please contact Insulated Homes including as much detail as possible. We recommend you make any formal complaint in writing. A copy of our complaints policy is available on request.
Insulated Homes Ltd. Terms & Conditions. Large Print Version Available On Request.
These terms and conditions explain your rights and responsibilities and also ours. Throughout, the word “you” means the customer and “we” means Insulated Homes Ltd. EWI means External Wall Insulation.
1. Installation. We will deliver the goods referred to overleaf or on a separate contract and carry out the work as specified on this and any related continuation sheets. Insulated Homes Ltd policy is one of continuous improvement of products. We therefore reserve the right to incorporate modifications of a minor or technical nature in the products to be installed. If you wish to change your contract please contact the office. Any changes made to this contract are not accepted or legally binding until signed and received in writing by both parties.
2. Payment. Prices shown on the contract are inclusive or VAT at 5% for insulation and 20% for other items. The amount excluding VAT and the VAT charge are also detailed. You agree to payment terms shown on the attached contract. You agree to pay the balance of the purchase price as stated on the contract by way of staged payments or instalment credit agreement via:
a) Bank draft, personal or building society cheque payable to Insulated Homes Ltd. or b) BACS Transfer to Account: 61436643 Sort Code: 40-20-29 or c) Credit / Debit Card or d) Credit Agreement. Any signed Credit Agreement contract will replace the terms detailed overleaf. Insulated Homes Ltd. are authorised and accredited by the FCA, FRN 796522.
3. Access. You agree to provide reasonable access for our survey, installation and quality inspections.
4. Delivery time. Any installation target date quoted is that anticipated at the date of this agreement. This is an estimate and not a term of the agreement. Where any consents or permissions are required as in clause 10 below, the installation target date quoted shall be deemed to commence following receipt of written confirmation that the necessary consents or permissions have been granted. If any part of your order has not been installed by our target date you may serve written notice on us by recorded delivery post to Insulated Homes Ltd, Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, EX6 6HD, requiring the work to be completed within 6 weeks. Notwithstanding the foregoing we will not be liable for any delay in installation due to factors beyond our control including delays occurring due to applications/granting of local authority/site approvals, weather conditions/supplier delays or any action beyond our control. If you do not accept an installation date and refuse subsequent dates for a period of 14 days we reserve the right to invoice you 60% of any outstanding balance which is due immediately. Your work must be completed within 26 weeks from your offered installation date at which time full payment is required.
5. Guarantees. The guarantee period commences on the date installation is complete and written notice of any claim under the guarantees must be received by us in writing during the guarantee period. This guarantee is personal to you and shall not be assigned without Insulated Homes Limited prior written consent. If consent has been given by Insulated Homes Limited, the installation address detailed in this agreement will be transferable to the new owners on payment of the reasonable administration fee applicable at the time of transfer and on transfer the guarantee will be limited to any remaining guarantee term.
5.1. External Wall Guarantees. The guarantees are given in addition to all your rights under the common law and statue. Scope of the Guarantee, We, the contractor, guarantee that if within a twenty-five-year period after the completion date, the works guaranteed are reported to be and proved to be defective due to faulty workmanship we will free of charge rectify the defective works or defective part of the works and cover the cost of remedial and replacement works plus materials. The guarantee covers the insulation system and not discolouration /staining or visual impairments of the silicone render top coat. The Top Coat is exempt from this extended guarantee. That we will obtain and pass to the guarantee beneficiary a ten-year system guarantee from the system designer supplying the system incorporated in the works guaranteed (EWI ONLY). That we will provide a ten-year insurance policy against our failure or the failure of the system designer to honour the guarantees provided respectively for the works guaranteed as a result of having ceased to trade through financial failure (EWI ONLY)
Delamination - Any faults caused from delamination of the insulation system from the substrate (wall), will be assessed. Where a fault is found, the area affected will be removed and made good at the cost of Insulated Homes Ltd. provided the guarantees are effective and provided payment has been made or, in the case of finance agreements provided regular payments are maintained.
The client is responsible for yearly checks to any seals around windows, doors or elsewhere and must keep them maintained.
5.2 Other Guarantees. Guarantees for Windows and Doors are 2 years for products and workmanship. The supplier/manufacturer is responsible for the replacement of defective or faulty items in line with their policy. Guarantee for an entire new MetroTile Roofing system are 40 years for tiles and 2 years for labour. The supplier/manufacturer is responsible for the replacement of defective or faulty items in line with their policy. Guarantee for other PVC Products such as guttering, downpipes, soffits, fascia are for 12 months including product and labour. Our General Building work comes with a two-year guarantee for labour. Underfloor Insulation comes with a manufacturers guarantee and a 12 month labour warranty.
5.3 Modifications Your guarantee for any product will become invalid if you have amended, altered, or conducted any work on any product we have installed. This included adding layers of coating, cleaners or paint to our system or if you have deviated from our care instructions provided. This also includes allowing any third-party to conduct maintenance to our system and products without prior approval.
6. Trims. If your work requires removal of protruding trims (during EWI or other general building works) , existing trims will be cleared from the site where possible unless you have asked to keep them. We do not guarantee to be able to remove all items but where requested will do our utmost to comply.
7. Ventilation. We will gladly open up all blocked external vents on your home. The construction of your home requires this.
8. Additional work. Unless otherwise stated on the face of this agreement you will be responsible for the removal and reinstatement of aerials, burglar or telephone alarms or any other electrical fittings and obstructions on the building where work is to be carried out. This also includes any gas pipework / flues etc. identified at survey which are your responsibility to have extended by an authorised person. Any additional works required that were not visible at survey may be subject to an additional charge.
9. Planning consents. Insulated Homes Ltd staff are happy to complete any necessary application forms in regard to seeking approval from site owners in order to gain consent for the EWI to be installed to your home. It is your responsibility to check with your site/local authority and obtain any necessary approvals. If at your request, we agree to carry out part of this agreement before such consents have been obtained we shall do so entirely at your risk and responsibility in so far as concerns such as consents and approvals and you will be responsible for and we will be able to claim from you any cost or losses we reasonably incur as a result of doing so. You will be and remain responsible for the payment of all fees and charges incurred relating to the obtaining of any such permissions or consents, whether or not successfully obtained and will be unable to claim any possible funding opportunities.
10. Status check. We reserve the right to make credit and other similar enquires in respect of our customers before installation takes place. If these enquiries lead us to believe that there is a significant risk of payment not being made, then we reserve the right to ask you to make payment of the full amount of the contract price before manufacturing and installation begins. Should we request you to make such payment then we will on request supply you with a copy of the information on which we have relied. If you decline to make payment, then we may cancel the contract. Your deposit will be returned in full, but we will have no further liability.
11. Data Protection. It is a statutory requirement from the department of transport local government and the regions (DTLR) that a PAS2030 registered installer must offer every customer insurance against the cessation of the installer and their subsequent inability to honour their guarantee. For this reason, your name and address will be passed to our authorised insurance provider to enable them to write to you and offer the statutory insurance cover. Your address will also be registered with our auditor as a home that we have conducted approved works on. Details of these agencies are available on request. Your name, address and contact details are held on file along with all communications and photographs of your home. These will be kept for 25 years in line with your guarantee. You may request a copy of your file. We are registered with the ICO.
12. General. you should ensure that any representative or promise made before or at the time you sign this agreement that is not included on this document or any related continuation sheets is added in writing on the face of the agreement and signed by you and our representative. Insulated Homes Ltd seek to constantly develop and improve our products and service for our customers so we reserve the right to amend a product specification from time to time. Your survey and contract will be quality checked by our surveyors and inspectors prior to work commencement. Insulated Homes Ltd. reserves the right to add any additional charges to a revised quote and contract should it be deemed necessary. The Client may withdraw within 14 days should they choose not to accept any additional charges. The client is responsible for removing and protection of any items in the work area (3m from home on all sides) and the clearance of under the home for underfloor insulation.
13. Notice of cancellation rights. You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days of signing. This right can be exercised by sending or taking a written notice to the contracts department. Insulated Homes Ltd, Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD. If the work proceeds within that 14-day period you will be asked to sign a right to waiver, this just means you acknowledge you could have cancelled but chose to go ahead with the work. It does not affect any of your other rights. It is your responsibility to ensure that the request has been received within the 14-day time limit. Cancellations made outside this period and 14 days prior to work commencing are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. If the work has started or is due to start within 14 days you may give up this right and sign a waiver form, once signed you cannot cancel. If any third-party funding scheme is withdrawn or application unsuccessful after you have signed your contract, Insulated Homes Ltd reserve the right to cancel the contract. Insulated Homes Ltd. reserve the right to withdraw or terminate the contract prior to commencement without reason or penalty. This right of Cancellation under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply to custom made goods such as windows, doors or other items that have been specifically made-to-measure for your home. Please complete the cancellation form to request to cancel.
14. Third Party Funding and loans. It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funding in place and correct approvals before work commences. You are responsible for ensuring the entire sum on the contract can be paid in full. We cannot offer advice on funding or recommend payment methods.
15. Photography. During the survey, installation and completion of works on your home, we take a series of photographs for quality purposes. These photographs may be used in our marketing materials, but the home will not be identified, and any name or house number removed. If you do not want these images displayed on our marketing materials or website, please let your surveyor or the office know.
16. Legibility. If you do not understand any aspect of this contract then please ask your representative or contact the office.
17. Exclusions. Any area of your home that you look directly up to, such as a porch ceiling cannot be rendered and is not included in our EWI quote. Any area outside your EWI is not included in your work schedule unless specifically stated.
18. Damage. We will take reasonable care of your property during installation and we ask you to read the FAQ sheets prior to your install. We will repair but not redecorate your property should we cause any damage with the exception of gutters, downpipes and trims. We draw your attention that outdoor plastic items become brittle after a few years and can shatter or break when removed. During External Wall Insulation, these can occasionally shatter or split and this is beyond our control and you will be responsible for the cost of replacements. We are unable to take responsibility for any garden plants, grass, bushes and tree branches.
19. Imperfections. We cannot guarantee against any minor imperfections in the materials used. External Wall Insulation and Roofing tiles may have visual properties that does not impair its performance. Glass is a natural product and can have visual properties that do not reduce or impair its performance.
20. Third Party Funding and loans. It is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funding in place and the correct approvals before work commences. You are responsible for ensuring the entire sum on the contract can be paid for in full.
21. Interest Free Credit. Insulated Homes Ltd. Horselake Farm, Cheriton Bishop, Exeter, Devon, EX6 6HD Company Reg 07280926 are registered with the Financial Conduct Agency (reference FRN 796522). Full details available on request.
22. Complaints. In the first instance please contact Insulated Homes including as much detail as possible. We recommend you make any formal complaint in writing. A copy of our complaints policy is available on request.
Telephone: 01647 24599 Email: